Why Plant a Church in West Forsyth?

Eric Groover   -  

Because God is on Mission

God is on a mission right now. At this very moment, He is making Himself known throughout the world. As He told the prophet Habbakuk (2:14), He will fill the world with a knowledge of His glory. This is not a new mission but has been true since the beginning of creation. The Psalmist writes in chapter 33:8-9 that the world is to stand in awe of God because He spoke and commanded all things to exist by the power of His word.

The reality is, however, that people do not worship and glorify God above all. People are not in awe of their Creator. Instead, they live for themselves as most important (Romans 1:25). This rebellion against God demonstrates the condition of humanity and our resulting problem. We are all sinners to the core (Romans 3:9-18, 23). We deserve death and hell (Romans 6:23). God the Father, however, has not left us to dwell in this state of misery forever. He sent His one and only son, Jesus, so that we might be redeemed and justified because of His atoning sacrifice on the cross and His victorious resurrection from the grave. Therefore, all who put their faith in Christ will be saved and brought into a right relationship with God to live for Him (Romans 3:24-26; 6:1-14).

Now, as His people, we too are on a mission. We have a ministry of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5). We have a message to proclaim: the gospel of Jesus Christ. Just like Christ was sent by God the Father, we, too, as followers of Christ, are sent out to tell others of our amazing God. Jesus even states that this is now our mission in John 20:21. Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you. We further read about Jesus sending out His disciples and that now all followers of Christ are to be on mission living as and making disciples (Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 22:37-39).

Because God is on a Mission in Forsyth County

How prevalent do you think this mission is in our community and those around us? How many people are committed to glorifying God by loving Him with their whole selves?

Right now, there are thousands of people in Forsyth County who do not seek to glorify God by loving Him with their whole selves. Countless people in our area and surrounding areas have not trusted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They give no thought to following Jesus in all aspects of their lives. They exist in a state of misery and separation from God and stand condemned to face His wrath that their sin rightly deserves.

The rate of growth in this county alone since 2000 is immense. From 2000 to 2019, Forsyth County’s population grew from 98,407 to 228,383. This is an increase of 132%. It has been one of the fastest-growing counties in the United States for over ten years. This is not hard to tell. If you drive around various corners of this county, you will see neighborhood after neighborhood that has been built.

Truly the harvest is plentiful in Forsyth County and so we are going. The ministry of reconciliation that we have as followers of Jesus Christ is to be lived out among those in Forsyth County and for this church plant, specifically in West Forsyth.

Because of the Great Hope for our County 

There is great hope for all of these people. Christ came to seek and save the lost, and God has placed us in this specific community to make disciples of Jesus Christ at this time in history.  We fall in the long line of Christians who are sent out to fulfill what Jesus told His disciples in Acts 1:8b. You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. 

This church plant will not be set up as a “come and see” attraction in the county. Instead, we will strive to “go and be” and “go and tell” so that others may come to know Jesus Christ and glorify God by loving Him with their whole selves. Therefore, this church plant will join those throughout history who have gone out to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ.

So really, the question isn’t, “Why start a new church in  West Forsyth?”  Rather it’s,” Who will go and plant a new church so that we further spread God’s fame in this county and the surrounding areas?” Will it be you?