GraceTALK, January 2025
Brett Goodell   -  

We value asking questions to better understand how to live life in a God-centered, Christ-exalting way. We believe that church should be the best place in which people can get solid answers to life’s questions from God’s Word.

  1. (2:25) How do I walk between trusting God and expecting Him to act? When I pray and ask Him for something, especially something that requires a miraculous answer, I know that He can do anything and that if I trust in Him, he will take care of it. That being said, I also know that God is not a vending machine and that I shouldn’t focus all my time on what He can do for me. With this in mind, how can I trust in His ability and will without being too expectant about how He will respond?
  2. (10:55) I want to know God’s will, but the Bible doesn’t tell me the answers to everyday decisions in life, and I know that my feelings can lead me astray, even when I feel like it is the Lord. How can I be confident that I am on the right track?
  3. (24:50) After 10 years of marriage, we seem to be going through the motions of family life. While I know that “life happens,” I also fear having more of a life partner than a healthy marriage. I am seeking clear signs of a healthy marriage to evaluate my concerns. Also, how can we get out of or assess if we are in a bad place or maybe going in the wrong direction? I don’t know if this is the right place to ask, but I suspect I am not alone in feeling this way.

Three books were mentioned in regards to discerning God’s will:

One handout was referred to for use in helping diagnose the health of your marriage: