Are You MORE Than A Speck In The Universe? Bill Nye Doesn’t Think So.
In the vast universe, where countless stars and galaxies exist, Bill Nye emphasizes humanity’s minute presence – as a...
When the End Becomes the Beginning
Jesus had a way of showing up amid a crisis and making what seemed to be the end just the beginning. At Easter, we celebrate the hope that...
Unicorns, Unbiased Influence, Threats to the Church and Other Things That Don’t Exist
Upon a hill backdropped by a cresting sun, stands a majestic creature in mystical splendor. Its gleaming white coat, free of blemish, wraps...
“Gay Christian?”
Navigating relationships often take on the feeling of being in a carnival “fun house” filled with maze-like passageways and...
Does God Love Everyone?
God’s love is without a doubt His most popular and talked about trait. People the world over know that God is love (even if they can’t...
Expressing Deep Emotions To God
The book of Psalms is probably the most well known and certainly the most well read book in all the Bible. Written by over eight...
The Tyranny of Vengeance
GraceTALK Question “Psalm 37:16-17 is similar to Romans 12:19. The concept is not to take our own vengeance, but to leave space for God...
Once In Royal David’s City
This is the third year that I’ve posted about one of my favorite Christmas carols. You can see the other posts here and here. This...
Behold the Beauty of Our God!
Knowing truth and having facts about God are necessary in the life of the Christian. However, simply knowing those facts and truths is not...
What’s the Difference Between Catholics and Protestants? (Part 2)
It was one of the most important moments in Christian history – the day it dawned on Martin Luther that he had been wrong. It’s not...
Anger, The Illusion of Control
We’ve all been there. Someone cuts us off in traffic, a coworker passive-aggressively undermines our efforts, or our loved ones say...
What’s The Difference Between Catholics and Protestants? (Part 1)
There are several key differences between the Roman Catholic and Protestant faiths. The most significant difference is that Protestants...